The phone manufacturer vivo launched the S6 smartphone with 5G and Exynos 980 chipset earlier this year, and now a Pro version is incoming. According to a leak on Weibo, the phone will have a Snapdragon 765G chipset, four cameras on the back and two more on the front, and will arrive with 33W fast-charging for the 4,200 mAh battery.
The vivo S6 Pro 5G will skip on the latest memory technologies – it will keep the DDR4X RAM and UFS 2.1 flash storage which is the standard for the past few quarters. However, unlike other midrangers, this one will come with a 60 Hz OLED panel, meaning the fingerprint scanner will make its way underneath.
The camera combination doesnt look promising – it will come with a 64 MP main shooter, but the sensor is Samsung ISOCELL Bright GW1 instead of Sony IMX686. There are also an 8 MP ultra-wide-angle snapper, 2 MP macro, and 2 MP depth sensors. On the front, were looking at 32 MP + 8 MP combo, but it is yet to be revealed whether theyll be hidden in an elevating mechanism or the vivo S6 Pro will keep the vivo S6 design with an actual notch.
vivo S6 5G also has four cameras
Price-wise, the phone is nowhere near cheap, especially with the competition at the domestic market. The vivo S6 Pro 5G is expected to have two prices – 8/128 GB at CNY2,998 ($425) and 8/256 GB at CNY3,298 ($465). We are still in the first half of the month, so a launch by the end of June is very plausible.
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